Learn how food grows from seed to table!
Vera is currently writing a series of books on How Things Grow. She is self-publishing the first book, How Food Grows, with on-demand printing and CreateSpace, as well as posting on this interacive website.
Book and magazine editors, agents and publishers are invited to contact us if interested in a traditional publishing contract for a book or magazine article.
Each book in the series will be linked directly to its own online website formatted to mirror this one. We will be self-publishing How Food Grows as an 8.5 x 11 paperback in full color to industry standards. It is targeted to be available on Amazon.com in the Fall of 2015.
We are looking for a sponsor or sponsors whose mission aligns with our own. Until then, the website will remain ad-free.
About the Author; Vera Z. Cole
Ms. Cole is a professional photojournalist, writer and editor. Her goal is to educate people about how things grow and to promote environmental causes. If you are a nonprofit interested in her services for projects of that nature feel free to contact us. She has limited time for pro bono work and will provide very high value for worthy projects. Her services are also available at a fee to for-profits. She has written articles and books on a number of topics,
Marine Ecosystems
Cruising and Sailing
Artificial Reefs
Medical articles
Vera's Causes
"Building Coral Reefs Around The World"
In April 2015, Vera published an article about the founder of the Reef Ball Foundation, which is public non-profit organization she serves as a volunteer and celebrity spokesperson.